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Bruce Willis: The Last Classic Hollywood Movie Star

2024-08-10 09:09:32.306000

Bruce Willis is considered the last classic Hollywood movie star due to his versatility and the risks he took with his roles. He started his career in the 1980s TV series Moonlighting and gained fame with the Die Hard franchise. He also appeared in films like Pulp Fiction, The Fifth Element, and The Sixth Sense. Willis used his star power to collaborate with talented filmmakers and explore different genres. He took chances on young directors like M. Night Shyamalan and Quentin Tarantino. Willis' ability to play diverse characters sets him apart from other action stars. He was willing to take on comedies, science fiction, and dramas, showcasing his range as an actor. However, the author notes that the industry is now less willing to take risks and prefers proven franchises. Willis' legacy as a versatile actor may not be replicated in the current film industry [2a85494f].

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