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Mixed PMIs Impact European Stocks, OpenAI Makes Potential Breakthrough

2023-11-23 11:35:22.641000

European stocks are struggling due to mixed PMIs and weakening economic activity in France. The UK private sector continues to face challenges. Anglo American may experience a cash-flow recovery. The EUR/USD pair has both upside and downside risks. The Swedish krona fell after the Riksbank kept its policy rate unchanged. Ten-year Bund and Treasury yields are expected to decline further next year. Some OPEC members are dissatisfied with their production targets. Chinese regulators are increasing oversight of the iron-ore market. Stellantis has repurchased shares from Dongfeng Motor International. The release of hostages in Gaza has been delayed. Mining associations are developing a responsible mining code. The sustainability of the November stock market rally is being closely monitored.

Mixed flash PMI data from Europe has impacted the European indices, with Germany and the Eurozone reporting better-than-expected PMIs. The Dutch Freedom Party, a far-right party, won 35 seats in the election. Israel has stated that there will be no release of hostages in Gaza before Friday. Israel has also sold bonds. The European Central Bank (ECB) and the Riksbank of Sweden have made statements regarding their policies. The FX markets were quiet due to holidays in Japan and the US. Other economic data mentioned includes Norway's GDP, Poland's M3 Money Supply, Argentina's supermarket sales, and New Zealand's retail sales. The article also provides updates on the EUR/USD, GBP/USD, gold price, and XRP price. OpenAI may have made a breakthrough in artificial general intelligence (AGI). It is important to note that trading foreign exchange carries a high level of risk. [412a211e]

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