As the Delhi Assembly elections draw near, political tensions are escalating, particularly between Congress and the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). Congress candidate Sandeep Dikshit has threatened to file both criminal and civil defamation cases against Delhi Chief Minister Atishi and AAP MP Sanjay Singh. This threat follows Atishi's accusation that Dikshit accepted money from the BJP, a claim he vehemently denies. In response, Dikshit plans to seek Rs 10 crores in damages, proposing to donate Rs 5 crores for cleaning the Yamuna River and another Rs 5 crores to address pollution issues in the city. He referenced past allegations against Congress over the last decade, indicating a long-standing rivalry between the parties. Notably, the press conference where these allegations were made was delayed due to the passing of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on the same day, adding a somber note to the political discourse.
In a significant development, the BJP has launched its manifesto for the upcoming elections, promising financial assistance of ₹15,000 to youth preparing for competitive exams and free education from kindergarten to postgraduate levels in government institutions. Anurag Thakur, a senior BJP leader, emphasized the party's commitment to development in Delhi, highlighting the manifesto's proposals, which also include six months of paid maternity leave for women in the capital. However, AAP's Arvind Kejriwal has warned that the BJP's promises threaten the integrity of free education in the city, reflecting the ongoing rivalry between the two parties.
Meanwhile, in the ongoing assembly bypolls across various states, candidates from the INDIA bloc, which includes Congress, AAP, TMC, and DMK, are leading in several constituencies, showcasing a significant shift in voter sentiment ahead of the upcoming elections. In Himachal Pradesh, Congress candidates Kamlesh Thakur and Hardeep Singh Bawa are leading in Dehra and Nalagarh, respectively, while AAP's Mohinder Bhagat is ahead in Punjab's Jalandhar West. The results from these bypolls could have implications for the strategies of both Congress and AAP as they gear up for the Delhi Assembly elections. [eb9dc766] [3df0dc4a] [1a4fb1c8] [912dad5e]