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Google's South Pacific Connect Initiative: Transforming Digital Connectivity in French Polynesia

2023-11-07 05:12:39.836000
[num] Megazap

Google has announced plans for the South Pacific Connect initiative, which aims to transform digital connectivity in French Polynesia [0f50a624]. The initiative involves the construction of two transpacific submarine cables, Honomoana and Tabua, connecting Fiji and French Polynesia to the United States and Australia. These cables will increase the reliability and resilience of digital connectivity in the Pacific region. In addition to the cables, the initiative includes the construction of separate cable landing stations in Fiji and French Polynesia, connected by an interlink cable. This infrastructure will improve reliability, increase capacity, and reduce latency for users in the Pacific islands [0f50a624].

The South Pacific Connect initiative will also create a link between Australia, Fiji, and French Polynesia, benefiting other countries and territories in Oceania. Pre-positioned branching units will allow these regions to benefit from the initiative. This project is particularly important for a region prone to natural disasters, as it will provide redundant international connectivity. The government of French Polynesia has identified the digital economy as a key sector for economic and social development, making Google an ideal partner for this endeavor [0f50a624].

The construction of submarine cables has been a priority for the Office des postes et télécommunications de Polynésie française (OPT-PF) since 2010. The goal is to provide internet access to the population and reduce the digital divide in remote islands. Google's collaboration with APTelecom is a prime example of how companies can work together to accelerate and provide connectivity solutions. Submarine cables play a crucial role in improving internet accessibility and reliability, driving economic development and productivity gains [0f50a624].

Google is excited about the impact the South Pacific Connect initiative will have on users and customers of Google Cloud in the Pacific and worldwide. The company is committed to reducing the digital divide and improving connectivity in the region [0f50a624].

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