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Thibaut Pinot's Former Teammates Reflect on His Career as it Comes to an End

2023-10-06 07:39:33.777000

Thibaut Pinot, the French cyclist, is nearing the end of his professional career, and his former teammates Valentin Madouas and Antoine Duchesne share their thoughts and memories of the champion. In an interview with Ouest-France, Madouas and Duchesne discuss Pinot's journey in professional cycling, including his attempts to win the Tour de France and the challenges he faced along the way. They reflect on Pinot's determination and the pressure he felt to succeed in the sport. The interview provides insights into Pinot's character and the impact he had on his teammates. As Pinot prepares to retire after the Tour de Lombardie, his former teammates express their admiration for his achievements and wish him well in his future endeavors. [9d932515]

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