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South Memphis Residents Urged to Join Lawsuit Against Factory Releasing Cancer-Causing Chemical

2024-05-12 15:05:28.574000

Local residents in South Memphis are being encouraged to join a class-action lawsuit against Sterilization Services of Tennessee, a factory accused of releasing a cancer-causing chemical called ethylene oxide (EtO) into the air [f011b66f]. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently classified EtO as dangerous after years of its widespread use [f011b66f]. The factory, which had been using EtO to sterilize medical equipment since 1979, closed down a few weeks ago [f011b66f]. The lawsuit, led by attorneys from Napoli Shkolnik Law and Wampler, Carroll, Wilson & Sanderson, alleges multiple offenses including gross negligence, private and public nuisance, and wrongful death [f011b66f]. Plaintiffs claim to have suffered severe injuries such as miscarriages, birth defects, brain cancer, blood cancer, stomach cancer, lymphoma, leukemia, and breast cancer [f011b66f]. Although the chemical is still present in the air, it is expected to dissipate by September, marking the first time it will not be detected since the 1970s [f011b66f].

The release of the cancer-causing chemical in South Memphis has raised concerns among local residents and prompted legal action against the factory responsible [f011b66f]. Attorneys are hosting a town hall meeting to inform and invite Memphians to join the class-action lawsuit [f011b66f]. The lawsuit alleges various health issues caused by exposure to ethylene oxide, which has been linked to cancer and other serious illnesses [f011b66f]. The chemical's presence in the air is expected to clear out by September, providing some relief to the affected community [f011b66f].

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