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Cyber Readiness Institute and CyManII Launch Free Cyber Training for Energy Manufacturers

2024-02-12 11:22:28.647000
[num] UTSA [num] U.Today

The University of Texas at San Antonio's CyManII and the Cyber Readiness Institute (CRI) have partnered to launch a pilot program aimed at enhancing cyber readiness and security within the energy manufacturing sector. The program will provide up to 200 U.S. manufacturers in the energy sector with access to CRI's free Cyber Readiness Program. This program focuses on human behavior and delivers cyber best practices, guiding organizations through the development of key business continuity measures. Manufacturers will receive personalized guidance from a dedicated CRI Certified Cyber Coach. The collaboration between CRI and CyManII aims to enhance the cyber readiness of energy manufacturers and mitigate potential risks in the U.S. economy's vital sector [fe8265b7] [fbf7b852].

In addition to the Secure Manufacturing Hub, CyManII is now offering free cyber training for manufacturers in the energy sector. The program, developed in collaboration with the Cyber Readiness Institute (CRI), aims to enhance cyber readiness and security within the energy manufacturing sector. Up to 200 U.S. manufacturers in the energy sector will have access to CRI's free Cyber Readiness Program, which focuses on human behavior and provides best practices for cyber security. The program will guide organizations in developing key business continuity measures and manufacturers will receive personalized guidance from a CRI Certified Cyber Coach. The collaboration between CRI and CyManII aims to enhance the cyber readiness of energy manufacturers and mitigate potential risks in the U.S. economy's vital sector [fe8265b7] [fbf7b852].

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