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The Impact of US Foreign Policy on Biden's Domestic Agenda: Perspectives from Vanden Heuvel, Pompeo, Recent Developments in Venezuela, and Readers' Opinions

2024-04-23 07:21:49.229000

President Biden's domestic agenda, including plans to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans and reinstate reproductive rights, is being undermined by the current U.S. foreign policy approach, according to an analysis by Katrina vanden Heuvel [adf9ab93]. Vanden Heuvel describes the current foreign policy as a 'Cold War redux moment' that threatens the success of populist economic policies in the Democratic Party [adf9ab93]. She argues for an end to global policing and warns that without a transformative foreign policy, military Keynesianism will prevail [adf9ab93].

Vanden Heuvel highlights the situation in Ukraine and emphasizes the need for a negotiated settlement, criticizing the militaristic approach [adf9ab93]. She also mentions the war weariness felt around the world and the importance of a wider debate on the kind of world we want to live in [adf9ab93].

Regarding Biden's focus on the economy, Vanden Heuvel praises his plans to increase taxes on the wealthy and lower the cost of prescription drugs [adf9ab93]. However, she cautions that a transformative domestic policy requires a transformative foreign policy [adf9ab93].

Vanden Heuvel also addresses Biden's remarks on reproductive rights, emphasizing the importance of protecting and expanding these rights [adf9ab93]. She criticizes efforts to restrict reproductive freedom and calls for a wider debate on the issue [adf9ab93].

Overall, Vanden Heuvel argues that Biden's domestic agenda is being undermined by the current foreign policy approach, and she calls for a transformative foreign policy to support the success of progressive economic and social policies [adf9ab93].

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo criticizes Sen. Bernie Sanders's vision for US foreign policy, calling it an 'America Last' approach [5389a2ac]. Sanders argues for America's surrender to the rest of the world, weakening the military, controlling private wealth creation, and prioritizing global issues over American interests [5389a2ac]. Pompeo warns that this vision is dangerous and leads to totalitarianism [5389a2ac]. He cites examples of the Biden administration's policies, such as John Kerry's statement on Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the reversal of the Trump administration's maximum pressure on Iran [5389a2ac]. Pompeo emphasizes the need for deterrence and cooperation with allies to counter authoritarian regimes [5389a2ac]. He defends American exceptionalism and the country's role in promoting peace, prosperity, and innovation [5389a2ac]. Pompeo expresses hope for President Trump's return to the White House in 2025 [5389a2ac].

US foreign policy has also been criticized for endangering the world, regardless of who is president. The US launched the 'war on terror' in 2001, invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, causing millions of deaths and destabilizing the Middle East [e01ee736]. The under-regulated US economy caused the global financial crisis in 2007-2008 [e01ee736]. The US and its NATO allies intervened in Libya, collapsing the state and creating more refugees [e01ee736]. The US also tried to consolidate its dominance in Europe by expanding NATO, leading to tensions with Russia [e01ee736].

The Biden administration has continued many of Trump's foreign policy initiatives, including a technological and political war against China [e01ee736]. Both Trump and Biden aim for permanent American global domination, using economic and military coercion [e01ee736]. A second Trump presidency may convince US allies to reconsider their relations with the US and could herald the start of a multipolar world order [e01ee736].

There is a rare degree of alignment in both Democratic and Republican foreign-policy circles on the need for a more realist approach toward Venezuela—one that balances U.S. interests with the need for a democratic solution to Caracas’s political crisis [cb4fdb87]. Both Biden and Trump shifted from a maximum pressure strategy to supporting negotiations with Maduro's government [cb4fdb87]. The shift in policy was already in motion under Trump, who imposed sanctions on Venezuela but also engaged in back-channel conversations with Maduro's government [cb4fdb87]. The recognition of the constraints of U.S. influence over decisions made in Caracas and the desire to counter the influence of Russia and China in Venezuela have contributed to the convergence of U.S. policy on Venezuela [cb4fdb87]. The United States recognizes that stability and democratic change in Venezuela can only be achieved through a negotiated transition and elections [cb4fdb87]. The recent wins in U.S. policy on Venezuela include sanctions relief negotiated by the Biden administration, the release of U.S. detainees, and an electoral road map agreement between the opposition and Maduro's government [cb4fdb87]. The United States should continue to pair targeted engagement with support for negotiations to advance a democratic opening in Venezuela and pursue its geostrategic interests [cb4fdb87].

The issue of global poverty seems insurmountable, but our country is one of the few that can address international issues such as this while maintaining domestic policies. Making investments in other countries will benefit our economy, national security, and diplomatic relations. The Borgen Project explains that growing the economies of other countries allows for more global consumers of American goods, greater diplomatic relations, and fewer tendencies towards extremism [fb867b86]. Atlanta citizens are urged to contact their representatives in support of the international affairs budget [fb867b86].

Women, including white women and women of color, represent a formidable group of voters capable of instituting real change for good. Women have fought tirelessly for their rights as citizens and will prove their power in the November elections [fb867b86].

In other news, Joe Biden will speak at Morehouse College commencement, a federal judge imposes fines and a monitor on Georgia prison due to frustration, Fulton DA Willis will skip a campaign debate, Hartsfield-Jackson airport will enforce restricted access 24/7, Marjorie Taylor Greene is in an endless doom loop, Georgians with disabilities deserve their day in court, Acuña had another record night in baseball, Orange Crush brings HBCU students to Tybee Island, and Dickey Betts, a Southern rock icon, and half of Allman Bros.' twin-guitar heart is remembered [fb867b86].

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