House Oversight Hearings on OAN Censorship Announced by Rep. Tim Burchett

2024-05-07 16:15:53.194000

House Judiciary Committee chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) is fighting against what he claims is a corporate cabal colluding to censor conservative platforms and voices, including Breitbart News. Jordan and the Judiciary Committee have sent letters to five member companies of the Global Alliance for Responsible Media's (GARM) Steer Team, requesting documents and communications related to conservative censorship. The committee has obtained evidence suggesting that GARM members are working together to demonetize conservative platforms and voices, such as Breitbart News, Fox News, and The Daily Wire. Jordan argues that these actions may be illegal under the Sherman Act and has set a deadline of April 10, 2024, for a response from the companies. If the companies refuse to comply, subpoenas and congressional hearings may be pursued [5cf7bc18].

This latest development adds to the ongoing concerns about censorship and the control of information. Jordan's efforts to combat alleged censorship highlight the importance of protecting freedom of speech and ensuring a diverse range of perspectives in the media landscape. The House Judiciary Committee's investigation into GARM and its member companies aims to shed light on the extent of conservative censorship and determine whether it violates antitrust laws [5cf7bc18] [561a7d61].

The Biden administration has also faced accusations of pressuring Amazon to censor books critical of Covid-19 vaccines. Chairman Jim Jordan exposed the alleged collaboration during a press conference, citing internal emails obtained through a Judiciary Committee subpoena. The emails indicate that the Biden White House exerted pressure on Amazon to censor books expressing views that it did not approve of. This controversy raises concerns about the delicate balance between freedom of expression and government influence on private entities, as well as the responsibility of major platforms in maintaining a diverse range of perspectives [561a7d61].

The battle for information extends beyond traditional media outlets and online platforms. The Biden administration has faced criticism for its strategy to censor and push leftist activism into American classrooms. According to an article on NewsBusters, the administration is using federal funds to implement a three-phase strategy. Phase 1 involved a public awareness campaign funded by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), featuring blog posts and podcasts attacking former President Donald Trump and his supporters. Phase 2 finances nationwide seminars for educators, training them to use censorship tools and divert students away from conservative ideas. Phase 3 offers cash prizes to children who create social media posts advocating for 'media literacy' mandates, which is a euphemism for censorship. The strategy is being implemented through partnerships with organizations like the University of Rhode Island's Media Education Lab, Media Literacy Now, and Moms Demand Action. The goal is to create a perpetual demand for media literacy in public education and promote an anti-American ideology disguised as 'media literacy' [63430623].

Congressman Tim Burchett is now calling for an investigation into the censorship of One America News (OAN). Burchett has announced that House Oversight Hearings on OAN censorship will be held soon. The purpose of the hearings is to address the issue of censorship on One America News Network [e711ec9a].

This latest development adds to the growing concerns about the control of information and the suppression of conservative voices. Burchett's call for an investigation highlights the need to protect freedom of speech and ensure a diverse range of perspectives in the media landscape. The censorship of OAN raises questions about the balance between freedom of expression and the influence of powerful entities on the flow of information [fb82ace5].

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