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Debswana Pension Fund's Assets Grow to P11.5bn Driven by Offshore Investments

2024-07-02 09:56:38.039000

The Debswana Pension Fund (DPF) in Botswana has experienced a 6.19% increase in assets in the first quarter of the year, reaching P11.5 billion [f03966ef]. Established in 1984, the DPF is the country's second-largest pension fund and has investments in property, equity, bonds, and alternatives [f03966ef]. The growth in assets can be attributed to positive market performance, particularly in offshore assets such as global equities, emerging market bonds, emerging market equities, African equities, and global cash [f03966ef]. The rebound of the US economy has played a significant role in driving profits for offshore investments [f03966ef].

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