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Financial Hardship Plagues Many Londoners as Poll Reveals Struggle to Afford Unexpected Bills

2024-05-22 06:52:10.517000

Households in London are facing significant financial hardship, with many unable to afford unexpected bills, according to a recent poll conducted by Savanta for the Centre for London [bde81a0e]. The survey found that one in four Londoners could not afford an unexpected £50 bill, and 14% of respondents could not afford a surprise bill of £20 without assistance [bde81a0e]. Additionally, 30% of respondents considered food and energy costs to be unaffordable [bde81a0e]. The think tank highlighted that one in four Londoners are living in poverty after housing costs [bde81a0e]. The poll also revealed a gender divide, with 73% of women and 58% of men stating that they are unable to afford an unexpected bill of £1,000 [bde81a0e].

These findings shed light on the financial struggles faced by many Londoners, highlighting the impact of rising living costs and stagnant wages. The survey results underscore the urgent need for measures to address the affordability crisis and support vulnerable households in the city [bde81a0e].

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