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Flexible Working Crucial for Retaining and Recruiting Skilled Employees in APAC, Survey Shows

2023-11-23 07:30:17.881000

Asia Pacific (APAC) Chief Information Officers (CIOs) believe that flexible working is key to retaining and recruiting highly skilled employees, according to a survey conducted by Expereo [e7f315f0]. Over half of APAC CIOs surveyed stated that having a flexible working policy is crucial for attracting and retaining talent [e7f315f0]. The survey also revealed that 44% of APAC CIOs believe that a flexible working policy has opened up access to a wider pool of highly skilled individuals [e7f315f0].

The research conducted by Expereo highlights the top barriers to global growth for APAC CIOs, including skills and resource retention, challenging security environments, and complicated physical and geopolitical infrastructure [e7f315f0]. Finding the right mix of business and technology skills was identified as the most challenging aspect of recruitment for APAC CIOs [e7f315f0].

The survey also found that having a hybrid/remote working policy has enabled APAC CIOs to hire talent from a wider geographical pool [e7f315f0]. However, ensuring application performance across multiple locations and providing 24/7 support across different time zones are putting pressure on their teams [e7f315f0]. The research emphasizes the importance of having the right technology in place to facilitate connectivity and collaboration in a remote working environment [e7f315f0].

This survey highlights the growing recognition among APAC CIOs of the value of flexible working in attracting and retaining skilled employees. As the business landscape continues to evolve, organizations are increasingly adopting flexible working policies to meet the changing needs and expectations of their workforce. By offering flexibility, companies can tap into a wider talent pool and create a more inclusive and productive work environment.

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