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Lipscomb Academy and Granger Elementary School Receive Moon Trees from NASA

2024-05-15 19:55:58.390000

Lipscomb Academy, located at Lipscomb University in Nashville, Tennessee, has been gifted a moon tree by NASA. The tree, a seedling that traveled 270,000 miles from Earth on the Artemis I mission, was planted on the west side of the campus where Lipscomb Academy and Lipscomb University meet. NASA selected Lipscomb Academy as one of the first 50 recipients of moon trees based on their commitment to nurturing and promoting educational opportunities within their community. Moon trees have the potential to live up to 400 years, making the Lipscomb Academy Moon Tree a lasting legacy for future generations [d8d34672].

Granger Elementary School in Justin, Texas, is also a proud recipient of a "moon tree" seedling from the Artemis I mission. The seedlings are part of a NASA program to promote STEM education and will be planted in local communities. Granger Elementary School is one of only 50 entities to receive the first set of Artemis I moon seeds for the spring 2024 release. NASA chose institutions based on their suitability to care for the tree species and their ability to maximize educational opportunities [9c47ad29].

The Artemis I mission, which took place on November 16, 2022, was an uncrewed flight test of NASA's new Space Launch System rocket. The mission involved flying past the moon twice, and the moon tree seedlings were among the cargo on this historic journey. The planting of the moon trees at Lipscomb Academy and Granger Elementary School symbolizes the connection between space exploration and education, inspiring students and visitors alike to learn about the wonders of the universe [d8d34672] [9c47ad29].

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