HIVE Digital Technologies Ltd. (CVE:HIVE) saw its share price increase by 1.3% on Friday, trading as high as C$4.91 and last traded at C$4.62. Approximately 774,327 shares changed hands during mid-day trading, a decline of 10% from the average daily volume of 864,658 shares. The stock had previously closed at C$4.56. Stifel Nicolaus raised their price target on HIVE Digital Technologies from C$6.50 to C$9.00. In related news, Director Susan Mcgee sold 10,000 shares of the company's stock in a transaction that occurred on Thursday, January 11th. The stock was sold at an average price of C$6.01, for a total value of C$60,053.00. Director Dave Perrill also sold 12,500 shares of the company's stock on Wednesday, January 24th, at an average price of C$4.12, for a total value of C$51,500.00. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 18.26, a quick ratio of 0.85, and a current ratio of 3.51. HIVE Digital Technologies operates as a cryptocurrency mining company in Canada, Sweden, and Iceland, engaging in the mining and sale of digital currencies such as Ethereum Classic and Bitcoin. The company has a market cap of C$427.53 million, a price-to-earnings ratio of -7.57, and a beta of 4.34. Insiders have sold a total of 85,000 shares of company stock worth C$382,228 in the last 90 days, and company insiders own 0.25% of the company's stock. [4144e9c7]
Héroux-Devtek Inc.'s stock price crossed above its 200-day moving average during trading on Wednesday. The stock has a 200-day moving average of C$18.38 and traded as high as C$24.41. Héroux-Devtek shares last traded at C$24.00, with a volume of 10,682 shares trading hands. A number of research analysts have issued reports on HRX shares. Desjardins lifted their price objective on Héroux-Devtek from C$26.00 to C$37.00 and gave the company a "buy" rating in a research note on Thursday, May 23rd. Scotiabank lifted their price objective on Héroux-Devtek from C$22.50 to C$27.00 and gave the company an "outperform" rating in a research note on Thursday, May 23rd. National Bankshares lifted their price objective on Héroux-Devtek from C$26.00 to C$29.00 and gave the company an "outperform" rating in a research note on Thursday, May 23rd. Finally, TD Securities boosted their price target on Héroux-Devtek from C$23.00 to C$28.00 and gave the stock a "buy" rating in a research note on Thursday, May 23rd. The company has a 50-day moving average price of C$21.29 and a two-hundred day moving average price of C$18.38. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 54.60, a current ratio of 2.19 and a quick ratio of 0.96. The stock has a market cap of C$807.60 million, a PE ratio of 34.29, a PEG ratio of 1.02 and a beta of 1.62. Héroux-Devtek last posted its quarterly earnings results on Wednesday, May 22nd. The company reported C$0.49 earnings per share for the quarter, topping the consensus estimate of C$0.31 by C$0.18. Héroux-Devtek had a return on equity of 6.05% and a net margin of 3.97%. The firm had revenue of C$184.05 million during the quarter, compared to analysts' expectations of C$170.58 million. Analysts expect that Héroux-Devtek Inc. will post 1.1295045 EPS for the current year. [b587fa6f]