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Human Rights Commissioner visits Cranbrook to address social challenges and discrimination

2024-06-28 15:02:17.860000

BC’s Human Rights Commissioner, Kasari Govender, visited Cranbrook on Thursday to speak to community agencies and local leaders. The visit follows an extensive study conducted by her office that focused on social challenges and the treatment of individuals in the community. The study identified hate and discrimination as key findings. Cranbrook was one of four BC communities chosen for the survey, which also examined housing, poverty, and health.

The visit of BC's Human Rights Commissioner, Kasari Govender, to Cranbrook is part of her efforts to address social challenges and discrimination in the community. Govender's visit comes after an in-depth study conducted by her office, which highlighted hate and discrimination as significant issues in Cranbrook. The study, which focused on housing, poverty, and health, was conducted in four BC communities, including Cranbrook [19b75de9, f0767201].

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