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Nobel economist Paul Krugman highlights the positive impact of the bond market's holiday rally on the housing market and US debt

2023-12-23 04:06:19.137000

In a recent article by Nobel economist Paul Krugman, he emphasizes the positive implications of the holiday rally in the bond market for the US economy. Krugman points to the decline in bond yields, with the yield on 10-year US Treasuries falling more than a full percentage point since October. This decline in bond yields is seen as a reason to be more optimistic about the coming year [aa72f737].

Lower interest rates resulting from the bond market rally have a positive impact on the US housing market. High rates have previously caused activity in the housing sector to slow down. However, the decline in bond yields has helped send the 30-year fixed mortgage rate below 7%. As a result, existing home sales have increased, indicating the potential for a boom in the housing sector [aa72f737] [097a4551].

Furthermore, lower interest rates also alleviate the burden of interest payments on the massive US debt load, which has surpassed $33 trillion for the first time this year. Krugman points out that the cost of US government borrowing has a significant impact on the federal fiscal outlook [aa72f737] [097a4551].

The bond market rally aligns with growing optimism on Wall Street that the Federal Reserve will cut rates multiple times next year. However, some strategists caution that investors may be overly optimistic in pricing in such a steep decline in rates. Overall, the holiday rally in the bond market is seen as excellent news for the housing market and the US debt mountain [aa72f737] [097a4551].

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