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Women Voters Weigh In on the Presidential Election

2024-06-30 21:54:30.954000

Women comprise the largest group of registered voters in presidential elections, and their opinions and choices can have a significant impact on the outcome. In a recent survey conducted by The Independent, women from various states shared their thoughts on the upcoming election between Donald Trump and President Joe Biden [1a085c18].

A 45-year-old woman from Ohio expressed mixed feelings about the election but stated that she would vote for Trump because he aligns more with her beliefs, despite not fully liking everything about him. Another woman from Ohio, Jordan Farley, cited Trump's ability to make things cheaper when he was in office as the reason for her support. On the other hand, a woman from Lavalette, West Virginia, expressed her dislike for Trump's attitude towards women and plans to vote for Biden, even though she believes he may not be physically fit for the job. Tonya Adkins from West Virginia expressed concerns about the potential collapse of U.S. democracy under Trump and will vote for Biden. Hazel Humphrey from Ohio cited Biden's morals and actions as the reason for her vote, while Sandy Woodward from Ashland, Kentucky, appreciated Biden's ability to listen to the people and had a positive impression of him since meeting him in 2004. Woodward acknowledged that some people still support Trump despite the controversies surrounding his presidency [1a085c18].

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