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Sorbitan Monostearate Prices Set to Skyrocket in June 2024 Amid Supply Chain Disruptions and Rising Costs

2024-06-17 10:56:02.644000

The global market anticipates a notable surge in Sorbitan Monostearate prices leading up to June 2024 [88e3b7a7]. Sorbitan Monostearate, an essential emulsifier and chelating agent used in cosmetics, food processing, pharmaceuticals, textiles, and various industrial sectors, is expected to experience significant cost escalation due to rising raw material costs, disruptions in the supply chain, and geopolitical uncertainties [88e3b7a7]. The congestion at China's major coastal ports, such as the Port of Shanghai, is a major contributing factor to the anticipated price surge [88e3b7a7]. The congestion is impacting global supply chains and driving up costs for a wide range of goods, including Sorbitan Monostearate [88e3b7a7]. The US economy also showed mixed signals in May, with manufacturing contracting and the services sector expanding, which impacted the Sorbitan Monostearate market [88e3b7a7]. Major shipping carriers implemented a General Rate Increase (GRI) in May, leading to higher shipping costs per Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit (TEU) [88e3b7a7]. This increase was driven by higher fuel prices, strong demand for maritime transport, and increased operational expenses [88e3b7a7]. The surge in freight rates is challenging importers across sectors and impacting industries reliant on Sorbitan Monostearate with higher costs and delays [88e3b7a7]. The Sorbitan Monostearate market is also facing challenges from supply chain bottlenecks, such as the Panama Canal drought and reduced vessel traffic [88e3b7a7]. Despite its widespread use, sustainability concerns are prompting exploration of eco-friendly substitutes for Sorbitan Monostearate [88e3b7a7]. As June approaches, the global Sorbitan Monostearate market is at a critical juncture, with manufacturers, suppliers, and end-users navigating a complex web of factors influencing pricing dynamics [88e3b7a7].

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