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US Congressman Files Bill to Abolish Federal Reserve, Citing Bitcoin Book as Inspiration

2024-06-14 18:57:26.235000

US Congressman Thomas Massie has introduced the "Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act," a bill aimed at dismantling the Federal Reserve [847db86e]. Massie, who represents Kentucky, drew inspiration from the book "The Bitcoin Standard" and argues that the Federal Reserve's policies have disproportionately benefited the wealthy, exacerbating economic inequality and eroding retirees' savings [847db86e]. The bill has gained support from two dozen Republican co-sponsors and the online Bitcoin community [847db86e]. If passed, the bill would require a complete overhaul of the current financial system, potentially impacting both domestic and global markets [847db86e]. Proponents of the bill believe that a decentralized financial system based on Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies could offer greater transparency, security, and efficiency [847db86e].

The proposed bill has sparked enthusiasm for alternative monetary systems, with some advocating for the adoption of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin [d6bbdf7b]. In the cryptocurrency industry, former President Donald Trump received $12 million in crypto donations and endorsed the industry. Bitdeer has unveiled a new Bitcoin mining chip, and there is discussion about whether Bitcoin could replace gold as a national reserve [0dcd0936].

The Senate is set to vote on Senator Rand Paul's "Audit the Fed" legislation, which aims to increase transparency and accountability of the Federal Reserve [418cf8af]. The legislation, also known as the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, seeks to prevent the Federal Reserve from concealing information on its operations from Congress. The amendment would require the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to conduct a thorough audit of the Federal Reserve's Board of Governors and reserve banks [418cf8af]. This move comes after the GAO uncovered that the Fed lent over $16 trillion to domestic and foreign banks during the financial crisis, which should not be kept secret from the public [418cf8af]. Senator Rand Paul has been a leading advocate for transparency and accountability with the Federal Reserve since his election to the Senate in 2010 [418cf8af].

Senator Mike Lee has introduced a bill to dismantle the US Federal Reserve, aiming to dissolve the Board of Governors and repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 [0dcd0936]. Congressman Thomas Massey is sponsoring a similar bill in the House. Lee argues that the Federal Reserve has overstepped its mandate and caused financial instability. Massey points to the negative impact of inflation and the devaluation of the US dollar. The bill aims to end the system that allows for unchecked government spending and economic turmoil [0dcd0936].

The Federal Reserve meeting on June 12 is generating speculation about potential rate cuts [0dcd0936]. Meanwhile, employment trends within the Federal Reserve system have fluctuated over the years, with the number of employees peaking in the early 1990s and reaching a low point in the early 2000s [cb445db0]. Two years after a trading scandal involving the presidents of the Dallas and Boston Federal Reserve banks, the internal watchdog is still investigating the incident, raising questions about ethics and transparency within the Federal Reserve [bc763131]. The outcome of the investigation will have implications for the central bank's credibility and the need to restore public trust in its operations [bc763131].

The public discourse surrounding the Federal Reserve's operations is unlikely to wane, and the future of the Federal Reserve will remain a focal point of political discourse in the United States [d6bbdf7b]. In the Eurozone, the head of the central bank of Austria warns about inflation, and in the US, there are warnings of a stock market recession and crash [0dcd0936].

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