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Canopy Connect Raises $6.5M to Revolutionize Insurance Verification

2023-10-25 15:04:44.659000

Canopy Connect, a platform for exchanging verified insurance information, has secured $6.5M in a Series A funding round led by Nevcaut Ventures [99dbfca9]. The funding will be utilized to accelerate growth and enhance product development. Canopy Connect aims to bridge the technology gap in the insurance industry by enabling businesses to quickly verify insurance information directly from carriers. The platform has already gained traction, with over 3,500 companies across various sectors adopting it. The funding round received support from Elefund and other investors [99dbfca9].

This development highlights the potential of Canopy Connect to transform insurance verification processes and improve efficiency in the industry. By leveraging technology, the platform offers a streamlined solution for businesses to access and verify insurance information, eliminating the need for manual processes and reducing the time required for verification. Canopy Connect's innovative approach has the potential to revolutionize insurance verification and create new opportunities in the market.


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