v0.02 🌳  

Addressing the Inconsistent Growth in Nigeria's Interior Business

2023-10-28 07:03:27.009000

John Bassey, CEO of Bassbi Interior, discusses the challenges and measures for improvement in Nigeria's interior business [1248f815]. Bassey highlights the inconsistent growth in the industry, comparing it to the country's economy [1248f815]. He emphasizes the need for government support and policies that promote the growth of the interior business [1248f815]. Bassey also mentions the challenges faced by interior businesses, such as competition and the need for skilled labor [1248f815]. He suggests measures like providing training programs and creating a conducive business environment to attract investment [1248f815].

The interview with John Bassey sheds light on the inconsistent growth in Nigeria's interior business and provides insights into the challenges and potential solutions [1248f815].

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