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UN Rights Chief Calls for Free and Open Debate in Venezuela Ahead of Elections

2024-07-04 07:15:17.166000

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk has emphasized the need for free and open debate in Venezuela as the country prepares for upcoming presidential elections and local, regional, and legislative polls. Türk expressed concern over the increasing restrictions on civic spaces and called for a change in these practices. He also highlighted the economic challenges faced by Venezuelans, including difficulties in accessing food, health, and education. Türk urged the authorities to address these concerns and lift sectoral sanctions. Additionally, he voiced alarm over the high number of femicide cases in the country, with 186 reported between January and November of the previous year [2c8108f7].

The UN rights chief's statement adds to the growing international focus on human rights issues in Venezuela ahead of the elections. The call for free and open debate underscores the importance of ensuring a democratic process that allows for the expression of diverse opinions and the participation of all stakeholders. It also highlights the need for addressing the economic challenges faced by the Venezuelan population and the urgent need to address the issue of femicide in the country [2c8108f7].

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