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Biden-Harris Administration Approves Ninth Offshore Wind Project, Atlantic Shores South to Power Nearly Five Million Homes

2024-07-03 18:54:36.433000

Maryland, New York, and Atlantic Shores South are taking significant steps towards tackling climate change and promoting renewable energy through the development of their offshore wind industries.

Governor Wes Moore of Maryland and the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to support the coordinated development of wind energy off the state's shores. The partnership aims to make Maryland a key player in creating clean renewable energy in the Mid-Atlantic region by 2030. The MOU solidifies the commitment of both parties to deploy 30 gigawatts of offshore wind energy capacity by 2030, contributing to the Biden-Harris Administration's clean energy goals [4f5999fc] [819c89a6].

In addition, construction has begun on the South Brooklyn Marine Terminal (SBMT) in New York, which will become the largest dedicated offshore wind port in the United States. The project aims to support New York's goal of developing 9,000 MW of offshore wind power by 2035 and will generate over 1,000 construction jobs. The 73-acre SBMT will serve as the operations and maintenance hub for Empire Wind 1, an offshore wind project expected to deliver 810 MW of renewable energy to New York. The terminal will also house an onshore substation connecting this energy to the city's grid. Construction is expected to be completed by the end of 2026. The project is part of New York City's broader strategy to establish itself as a leader in the offshore wind industry and create up to 13,000 jobs by 2035 [70762e8c].

Furthermore, the Department of the Interior has approved the Atlantic Shores South offshore wind energy project, the nation's ninth commercial-scale offshore wind energy project approved under President Biden's leadership. The project is expected to generate up to 2,800 megawatts of electricity, enough to power close to one million homes. The approval is part of President Biden's goal of deploying 30 gigawatts of offshore energy by 2030. The project has a labor agreement with six New Jersey unions, reflecting the administration's focus on creating good-paying jobs. The Department of the Interior has approved more than 13 gigawatts of clean energy from offshore wind energy projects under President Biden's leadership [ef61e209].

Maryland's commitment to offshore wind development aligns with the global trend of increasing investment in renewable energy. Offshore wind has been recognized as a key solution to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and combat climate change. The signing of the MOU between Maryland and BOEM demonstrates the state's dedication to being at the forefront of the offshore wind industry, contributing to economic growth and environmental sustainability [4f5999fc] [3e3d1a36] [c001e0e3] [edec7d2d].

In addition to Maryland, other states in the United States are also making progress in offshore wind development. New York has approved the Sunrise Wind offshore wind project, which will be the largest in the country. The U.S. Department of the Interior has also announced proposals for offshore wind energy auctions off the coast of Oregon and in the Gulf of Maine, further expanding offshore wind opportunities in the country. These developments indicate the growing momentum and potential of the offshore wind sector in the United States [e6d1061b] [7d449e32].

The partnership between Maryland and BOEM marks a significant milestone in Maryland's efforts to combat climate change and transition to a cleaner and more sustainable energy future. By leveraging the potential of offshore wind, Maryland aims to create economic opportunities, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and contribute to the overall decarbonization efforts. The collaboration will play a crucial role in advancing offshore wind development in the Central Atlantic region and positioning Maryland as a leader in the clean energy transition [819c89a6] [4cf33505] [4f5999fc].

Construction of the South Brooklyn Marine Terminal (SBMT) in New York is underway, with the goal of establishing the largest dedicated offshore wind port in the United States. The project aligns with New York's ambition to develop 9,000 MW of offshore wind power by 2035 and will create over 1,000 construction jobs. The 73-acre SBMT will serve as the operations and maintenance hub for Empire Wind 1, an offshore wind project that will deliver 810 MW of renewable energy to New York. The terminal will also house an onshore substation to connect this energy to the city's grid. The completion of construction is expected by the end of 2026. This initiative is part of New York City's broader strategy to establish itself as a leader in the offshore wind industry and generate up to 13,000 jobs by 2035 [70762e8c].

The Sunrise Wind project, New York's largest offshore wind project, has received final approval for its Construction and Operations Plan (COP) from the U.S. Department of the Interior's Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM). The project, with a capacity of 924 megawatts, will generate enough clean energy to power nearly 600,000 New York homes. It will help New York achieve its mandate of 70 percent renewable electricity by 2030 and create 800 direct jobs and thousands of indirect jobs. Offshore construction is expected to begin later this year, and the project is scheduled to be operational in 2026. The approval of the COP includes provisions for turbine spacing, construction methodology, and mitigation measures to protect marine habitats and species. The project is a collaboration between Ørsted and Eversource, who are also making significant investments in the state's offshore wind workforce and supply chain. The approval is seen as a significant milestone for New York's offshore wind industry and its efforts to combat climate change [6afbb258] [70762e8c].

The Biden-Harris administration has approved the Atlantic Shores South project, achieving 13 gigawatts of offshore wind energy, enough to power nearly five million homes. This marks the ninth wind farm to be approved since the start of the President's term. The project involves the installation of up to 200 wind generators and ten offshore substations off the coast of New Jersey. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management approved the construction of 195 wind generators after an environmental impact assessment. The approval is part of the administration's efforts to stimulate the US economy through investment in energy infrastructure. The Biden-Harris administration aims to strengthen the national power grid and boost the offshore wind energy sector. The project is part of a strategy to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and support job creation in the renewable energy sector.

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