The fourth edition of the Khelo India winter games has commenced in Gulmarg, Jammu and Kashmir, despite challenging weather conditions. The event, which was initially delayed due to heavy snowfall, now features around 800 athletes competing in various winter sports, including alpine skiing, snowboarding, ice hockey, and snow skating. Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha and Minister Nisith Pramanik were present at the opening ceremony, emphasizing the importance of promoting winter sports in the region. The Khelo India initiative aims to provide a platform for young athletes to showcase their talent and foster a sports culture in Jammu and Kashmir. [abe1da55]
On December 27, 2024, the valley experienced its first significant snowfall of the season, leading to traffic disruptions in Anantnag, where approximately 2,000 vehicles were stranded. Chief Minister Omar Abdullah assured that relief efforts are underway and that heavy vehicles are being allowed to move. Abdullah has been in communication with the Deputy Commissioner of Anantnag to address the situation. An orange alert was issued for snowfall in high-altitude areas of Uttarakhand, and Haryana has declared winter holidays for schools from January 1 to January 15, 2025, due to the adverse weather conditions. [5ff93ca6]