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Scout Investments Inc. Makes New Investment in MGP Ingredients, Inc.

2024-06-09 16:58:16.655000

Pinebridge Investments L.P. has been actively increasing its holdings in various companies. In the fourth quarter, they purchased an additional 16,721 shares of Kemper Co., bringing their total ownership to 38,002 shares. Other hedge funds, including Handelsbanken Fonder AB, Wellington Management Group LLP, Dimensional Fund Advisors LP, Campbell & CO Investment Adviser LLC, and Sequoia Financial Advisors LLC, have also modified their holdings of Kemper Co. Additionally, Director Gerald Laderman purchased 5,000 shares of Kemper Co. stock in May. Kemper Co. recently reported earnings of $1.07 per share for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of $1.09 per share. They also announced a quarterly dividend of $0.31 per share.

Pinebridge Investments L.P. also increased its holdings in Coinbase Global, Inc. by 130.5% in the fourth quarter. They now own 18,280 shares of Coinbase Global's stock after purchasing an additional 10,350 shares during the period. Other institutional investors and hedge funds have also made changes to their stakes in the business. In related news, Director Frederick Ernest Ehrsam III sold 114,216 shares of Coinbase Global's stock in May, while Insider Paul Grewal sold 10,257 shares of the stock in March. Coinbase Global reported earnings of $1.65 per share for the quarter, beating analysts' consensus estimates of $1.04 per share. The company had revenue of $1.64 billion during the quarter.

Furthermore, Pinebridge Investments L.P. increased its stake in Sprouts Farmers Market, Inc. by 76.5% in the fourth quarter. They now own 23,180 shares of the company's stock after purchasing an additional 10,047 shares during the period. Sprouts Farmers Market reported earnings of $1.12 per share for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of $1.00 per share. The company had revenue of $1.88 billion during the quarter. Sprouts Farmers Market has a market capitalization of $7.74 billion and engages in the retailing of fresh, natural, and organic food products in the United States.

Scout Investments Inc. has made a new investment in MGP Ingredients, Inc. (NASDAQ:MGPI). They purchased 65,747 shares of MGPI in the fourth quarter, representing approximately 0.30% ownership of the company. The investment is valued at $6.48 million. Other institutional investors and hedge funds have also modified their holdings of MGPI. In related news, Director Donn S. Lux sold a total of 34,430 shares of MGPI stock valued at $2,836,678 over the last 90 days. Analysts have recently commented on MGPI shares, with Roth Mkm cutting their price target from $95.00 to $92.00 and issuing a 'buy' rating for the company.

These recent moves by Pinebridge Investments L.P. and Scout Investments Inc. indicate their active involvement in increasing their holdings in various companies, including Kemper Co., Coinbase Global, Sprouts Farmers Market, and MGP Ingredients, Inc.

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