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South Korea's Consul General in Utah Expects Strong Bilateral Ties with the US Post-Election

2024-07-03 23:18:38.754000

The U.S. presidential race has entered a phase of increased unpredictability following the first debate between President Joe Biden and his rival, Donald Trump. Many U.S. media outlets declared Biden as the presumed loser in the debate, leading to a growing chorus among Democrats and Biden supporters for a change in the presidential candidate. With only four months left until the November presidential election, the race has become more complicated [84cde78f].

The growing uncertainty in the U.S. presidential competition is stoking anxiety among U.S. allies such as South Korea. If Trump maintains the advantage, Seoul will need to prepare for a potential second term under his administration. Trump has underscored the necessity of withdrawing or reducing the number of U.S. forces stationed in South Korea. Many research institutes predict that Trump will adopt a tougher stance toward Asian allies, especially Seoul. Under Trump's leadership, negotiations between North Korea and the U.S. may resume, posing an increased security risk for South Korea [84cde78f].

Regardless of the election outcome, there is a growing imperative to strengthen the alliance with the U.S. and enhance extended deterrence against potential North Korean provocations. The Yoon administration should initiate negotiations with the U.S. to revise the nuclear agreement and secure increased nuclear capabilities for Seoul. In the economic realm, efforts should focus on bolstering bilateral cooperation, particularly technological alliances spanning industries such as semiconductors, AI, batteries, and aerospace. Measures should also be taken to safeguard Korean companies investing in the U.S. from potential discriminatory treatment under new protectionist policies by a new U.S. administration [84cde78f].

Lim Jung-taek, consul general of South Korea in San Francisco, expects the relationship between South Korea and the United States to remain strong regardless of the outcome of the upcoming U.S. presidential election. Lim's role as consul general focuses on advancing trade and cultural relationships between the two countries. He presented Ambassador of Peace medals to the families of Korean War veterans in Utah and discussed trade and collaboration with Utah Governor Spencer Cox. South Korean companies are increasingly investing in the U.S. and moving their factories from China. Lim expressed concern about the relationship between North Korea and South Korea, as well as the tensions between the U.S. and China. The Korean War ended in 1953 with an armistice agreement, and Lim emphasized the importance of the U.S. presence in South Korea for its stability and security [c97c5d7f].

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