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Türkiye Celebrates 100th Anniversary and Unveils Visionary 'Century of Türkiye'

2023-10-29 02:03:53.993000

The Republic of Türkiye celebrates its 100th anniversary and unveils its vision for the 'Century of Türkiye.' Over the past century, Türkiye has undergone significant transformation, emerging as a modern and influential global player. The country's foreign policy focuses on fostering peace, strengthening international relations, and promoting prosperity. Türkiye has cultivated extensive global cooperation and maintains strategic partnerships with Europe, the United States, and ASEAN countries. Additionally, Türkiye is committed to humanitarian efforts, providing assistance to countries and hosting millions of refugees. The country's rich cultural heritage serves as a bridge between civilizations, fostering dialogue and understanding. The 65th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Türkiye and Thailand is celebrated, highlighting the mutual respect, economic collaborations, and cultural exchanges between the two nations. Both countries aim to strengthen their partnership in various sectors, including trade, investment, education, and cultural exchanges. This anniversary signifies a future filled with possibilities and deeper engagement between Türkiye and Thailand.

Source: Embassy of the Republic of Türkiye in Bangkok [9d69dbe8]

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