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Kenya and the US Establish Economic Diplomacy Groups to Promote Global Engagement

2024-06-21 21:57:02.344000

In an effort to tap into global opportunities and promote economic and social transformation, Kenya and the United States have both established economic diplomacy groups to support their respective economic and business interests abroad [c5ecf5f9] [78ce6189].

Kenya has been actively engaged in high-level international forums and strategic partnerships as part of its economic diplomacy. President William Ruto's State visit to the United States and his campaign for reforms of the international financial architecture demonstrate Kenya's commitment to leveraging global partnerships for the benefit of its people [c5ecf5f9]. The government's approach to diplomacy includes strategic negotiations for bilateral trade and investment partnerships, such as the economic partnership with the European Union. Kenya is also actively involved in critical dialogues on multilateral and regional issues to enhance economic prospects and opportunities for its citizens.

Kenya's economic diplomacy efforts have already yielded positive outcomes. The government has secured commitments for capacity-building funding from the United States to support the police, anti-corruption efforts, and the fight against international crime. Additionally, a public-private partnership with a US-based private equity firm will support the construction of an expressway connecting Mombasa and Nairobi. Bilateral negotiations with neighboring countries are also underway to address trade and investment barriers.

Kenya's role in promoting world peace and security has been recognized, and the country has used its convening power to advocate for a fair and equitable global economy. The government is lobbying for the extension of the US Africa Growth and Opportunity Act and advocating for increased resources from the International Development Association. Kenya recently hosted the IDA 21 African leaders summit and supported the African Development Fund's 17th replenishment.

Similarly, the White House has established the Economic Diplomacy Action Group (EDAG) under the Championing American Business Through Diplomacy Act of 2019. The group aims to support US economic and business interests abroad, promote economic growth, and create new markets for US companies [78ce6189]. The Secretary of State will coordinate the appointment of senior officials from relevant agencies to the EDAG. This move reflects the US government's commitment to leveraging economic diplomacy to advance its foreign policy objectives and strengthen its global economic position.

These developments highlight the growing recognition of the importance of economic diplomacy in positioning countries as global players, attracting investment, and fostering mutually beneficial partnerships that contribute to overall development and prosperity. By establishing dedicated economic diplomacy groups, both Kenya and the United States are demonstrating their commitment to leveraging global partnerships and promoting economic growth through strategic engagement.

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