v0.07 🌳  

Vietnam Requests Removal from Non-Market Economy List Amid Debate

2024-07-04 18:54:14.207000

Vietnam's economy continues to be a topic of discussion, with the country formally requesting to be removed from the list of non-market economies. The Alliance for Vietnam's Democracy will hold an online conference on 'Vietnam and Non-Market Economy' to address this issue. The conference will feature Dr. Chu Nguyen as a speaker and aims to explore the criteria for a market economy and whether Vietnam meets them. Civil society groups, such as the Alliance for Vietnam's Democracy, argue that Vietnam's socialist-oriented economy does not qualify as a market economy. The conference is open for registration and will provide a platform for dialogue on this important topic [8d57c426].

Vietnam's request to be removed from the non-market economy list comes after discussions between the Vietnamese Prime Minister and US officials. The SRV Prime Minister has engaged with the US Secretary of the Treasury and Secretary of Commerce to address this issue. Vietnam's socialist-oriented economy has been a point of contention, with some arguing that it does not meet the criteria for a market economy. Civil society groups, including the Alliance for Vietnam's Democracy, support maintaining the non-market economy designation. The outcome of this debate will have implications for Vietnam's economic policies and international trade relations [8d57c426].

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