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Mysore Palace Electric Fence to be Upgraded to Address Security Concerns

2024-06-14 12:17:34.048000

The electric fence surrounding Mysore Palace in Southern India, a popular tourist destination, has become ineffective and symbolic, failing to deter intruders. Installed after heightened security measures were implemented in the wake of the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack, the fence no longer delivers a shock upon contact. Although the Palace has other security measures in place, such as cameras and detectors, the electric fence needs upgrading. The issue has been acknowledged by the Deputy Director of the Palace Board, who has stated that the fence will be modernized using the latest technology [747fb62c].

This development highlights the security concerns at Mysore Palace and the need for an upgraded electric fence. As a significant tourist attraction, it is crucial to ensure the safety and protection of visitors and the historical site. The modernization of the electric fence will enhance the security measures and contribute to maintaining the integrity of the Palace's security system.

In a similar vein, the Kerala Forest Department is installing an AI-powered fence system called 'Ele Fence' in Chelakolly, Wayanad to ward off wild animals like elephants. The fence is designed to overcome challenges posed by marshy lands and tough terrains. It includes a ladder, iron railway girders, elastic ropes, and AI cameras connected to solar power systems. When an animal approaches within 100 meters of the fence, the camera captures images and triggers alarm bells to warn local people and alert the nearest Rapid Response Team and forest office. The fence is built at a height of 12 feet and costs approximately Rs 70 lakh for a distance of 1km. The project is expected to be inaugurated within a few weeks [46545642].

The installation of the AI-powered 'Ele Fence' in Wayanad demonstrates the use of advanced technology to address wildlife-human conflict. By leveraging AI cameras and alarm systems, the fence aims to protect both the local community and the elephants, reducing the risk of encounters and potential harm. This innovative approach showcases the potential of technology in promoting coexistence between humans and wildlife.

[747fb62c]: Security concerns arise as Mysore Palace electric fence has no power
[46545642]: AI incorporated smart fence to keep away elephants in Wayanad

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