v0.08 🌳  

Ogun and Gorontalo States Boost Regional Economies with New Agro-Cargo and Domestic Airports

2024-04-22 06:24:36.143000

Governor Dapo Abiodun of Ogun State in Nigeria has received commendation from the Minister of Finance and the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Mr. Wale Edun, for the Ogun State Agro-Cargo Airport project. The completion of the airport is expected to be a game-changer for the state, creating jobs, reducing poverty, and improving economic opportunities for farmers. The Ogun State Commissioner for Finance, Dapo Okubadejo, revealed that the state's economy is currently worth over N6tn. The state is targeting N240bn internally generated revenue this year and aims to be economically and financially independent. The 2024 budget of over N703bn will have a significant and positive effect on the people of the state, with 71% of the budget allocated to developmental projects, including the completion of abandoned and ongoing road projects. The state's land mass is 16000 per square meters with many resources to be harnessed. Governor Abiodun has also called for partnership options between Germany and Ogun State in food production. The governor is looking for partners in merchandised farming and plans to support small farmers by teaching them how to grow. The state government will provide tractors and other farming equipment. The German government is interested in increasing cooperation in the agricultural sector and energy transition. The Consul General commended the road network from Lagos State to the state capital. [dca4cebf] [5bb615a8] [586609b3]

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) expects Panua Airport, the newest domestic airport in Gorontalo Province's Pohuwato District, to bolster the regional economy and improve passenger and logistics mobility. The airport development cost Rp473 billion (US$29.14 million) and is part of Indonesia's commitment to faster progress in national economy and development. President Jokowi instructed officials to extend the runway length of Panua Airport to accommodate larger aircraft. The airport was officially opened on April 22, 2024, and had its inaugural flight on February 18, 2024. [0d1d6fa4]

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