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Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Vows to Strengthen Ties with Latin America as China Expands Influence

2024-05-05 08:51:20.940000

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida concluded his landmark visit to South America, pledging to work together with regional countries to tackle global challenges including climate change, economic disparity, and poverty. Kishida stated that Japan will offer 'diverse and inclusive cooperation' tailored to each country in Central and South America. He emphasized the potential of Latin America, which is rich in natural resources and has a large young population. During his visit, Kishida held bilateral talks with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and Paraguayan President Santiago Pena. Japan has decided to provide funds to a program aimed at preserving Brazil's Amazon rainforest and helping Caribbean islands vulnerable to global warming. Kishida also met with a group of people who moved to Brazil from Japan after surviving the US atomic bombing of Hiroshima in 1945. Japanese companies have set up over 1,000 new offices in the Latin American region in the past 10 years. [e1c31dc3]

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida outlined his vision for Japan's ties with Latin America in a speech that concluded his visits to Brazil and Paraguay. He vowed to work together with these countries to tackle challenges such as economic disparity and climate change. Kishida also pledged to support Japanese companies operating in the region. This commitment comes as Japan seeks to deepen relations with emerging and developing nations in Latin America while countering China's growing influence in the resource-rich region. Kishida's visit to South America marks the first official visit by a Japanese leader to the region in nearly 10 years, with the last visit being made by former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. [ad115b6b]

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