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Calls for a New Constitution in Australia to Accommodate a Republic

2024-06-16 19:22:10.821000

Somalia's parliament has approved historic constitutional amendments, including empowering the president to appoint and dismiss a prime minister. The bicameral federal parliament ratified amendments to the initial four chapters of the nation's provisional constitution. The amendments were proposed by the Independent Constitutional Review and Implementation Commission. The amendment was approved with a unanimous vote, with 212 members of the Lower House and 42 members of the Upper House supporting it. The amended constitution stipulates a five-year term of office for government constitutional bodies and envisions the presence of three political parties. However, some political stakeholders, including former Somali Presidents Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo and Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, opposed the amendment. Rights groups have raised concerns that the amendments could perpetuate existing traditional norms and subject girls to marriage at the age of 15. The current constitutional proposal has been criticized for posing a threat to children, particularly girls. The parliament of Somalia is urged to resist efforts to dilute constitutional protections for children. [26f524b8]

Somalia's Parliament has approved historic Constitutional Amendments that give the country's president the power to appoint and dismiss a prime minister. The amendments were approved by a significant majority of members in the lower and upper houses of parliament. The amended constitution establishes that Somalia will have a president and a prime minister, with the president having the authority to appoint and remove the prime minister from office. The power struggle between the president and prime minister has been a source of disputes in Somalia's politics. The amended constitution also sets the term of office for government constitutional bodies at five years, refers to regional state presidents as leaders, and promotes a multi-party system with the presence of three political parties. However, some political stakeholders, including former Somali Presidents and Puntland state leaders, strongly opposed the amendments, expressing concerns about the lack of consensus among political actors. The approved amendments also cover the age of maturity for girls and the criminalization of female genital mutilation, establishing the age of maturity at 15 and the age for responsibility at 18. Human rights groups have warned that the constitutional proposal in its current form puts children, especially girls, at risk of child marriage and called on Somalia's parliament to resist efforts to weaken constitutional protections for children. [f2ec192f]

In Australia, there are calls for a new constitution to accommodate a republic. The Australian Republic Movement has highlighted the need for major constitution renewal, stating that the existing 1901 Constitution is practically unamendable. The movement argues that piecemeal tinkering with the current set of rules is insufficient and that a new draft needs to be approved by a majority of citizens. Australia is a diverse country with a large number of migrants and their descendants from countries other than Britain, and the current constitution does not adequately reflect this reality. The failed Voice Referendum has further demonstrated the polarized nature of the Australian Parliament, which is attributed to the Single Member District electoral system. A government-appointed commission made an attempt to review the Constitution in 1988, but the highest national vote for the proposed changes was only 37.6%. The shortcomings of the Constitution are seen as numerous and require a comprehensive approach to change. The current text of the Constitution is based on the Westminster system of government in the UK in 1901, which is considered out of touch with the present reality. The Australian Republic Movement is advocating for a new constitution that better aligns with the country's diverse population and modern democratic principles. [7df19b88]

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