v0.19 🌳  

Hong Kong Tourist Dies Climbing Lion Rock Mountain; Rare Mountain Lion Sighting in Hollywood; Mike Heslin's Cause of Death; Hong Kong Geopark Warns Visitors Not to Climb Devil's Fist Rock Outcrop

2024-07-13 20:57:45.183000

The hiking community mourns the death of a Chinese tourist who fell off Lion Rock mountain in Hong Kong. The 37-year-old tourist, named Liang, lost his balance while climbing the rock face and fell approximately 82 feet (25 meters). He was found unconscious and airlifted to a local hospital, where he was later pronounced dead. Liang was part of a group of around a dozen friends who had started the hike in the morning. Lion Rock mountain, known for its distinctive shape resembling a crouching lion, is a popular tourist attraction in Hong Kong. Unfortunately, several people have lost their lives in recent years due to falls from the peak [e6098f7f].

In other wildlife news, a video uploaded to social media shows a rare sighting of a mountain lion in Los Angeles. The mountain lion, also known as the Hollywood cat, is believed to be living in the mountains but rarely comes down to residential areas. Scientists and conservationists have warned about the potential extinction of mountain lions due to restrictions on their movement and other environmental factors. The footage was filmed by Vlad Polumiskov, who saw the mountain lion while getting his son out of the car. The mountain lion lingered in the area before disappearing into Griffith Park. The sighting is still pending verification by the National Park Service. Fans of the late mountain lion P-22, also known as the Hollywood Cat, are excited about the sighting. Wildlife authorities have asked the public to give the lion some space if spotted [0ed9a907].

The sighting of the mountain lion in the Hollywood Hills coincides with state lawmakers voting on two bills that would improve wildlife connectivity and restrict the use of rat poisons, which are a threat to mountain lions [4118ae3e].

In a separate news, Mike Heslin, a star of the TV show 'Lioness', passed away at the age of 30 on July 2 after a week-long hospitalization following sudden cardiac arrest. His cause of death was revealed by his husband, Nicola James Wilson (also known as Scotty Dynamo). The doctors have no explanation for what happened. Heslin's husband expressed his grief and promised to live every day in his honor. Heslin was known for his roles in 'Lioness', 'The Holiday Proposal Plan', 'Younger', and other shows. His wedding took place in November of the previous year [d25fc384].

Hong Kong authorities have warned visitors not to climb a 400 million-year-old rock outcrop at a Unesco-protected natural park after pictures showing people standing on it to take selfies circulated on social media. The rock, known as Devil's Fist, is located at the end of Bluff Head in the Plover Cove Country Park. It is part of the Sai Kung Geopark and was formed by deposits of estuarine deltas 400 million years ago. The pictures of people climbing the rock were widely shared on Xiaohongshu, a social media platform in mainland China. The Conservation Department plans to promote guidelines and increase patrols to raise awareness about the need to protect the natural features of the park. Visitors are urged not to climb the rock columns or walk on severely weathered or eroded surfaces. The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department will strengthen its warning messages to visitors through social media platforms [d07de204].

The death of a Hong Kong man while climbing Mount Fuji serves as a reminder of the need to be careful and properly prepared for hazards when hiking. At least five people have died on the slopes of Mount Fuji during the July-September climbing season, including three near the volcanic crater. The Hong Kong man, a civil servant, felt unwell and lost consciousness at 3,100 meters on the 3,776-meter ascent. There was no suggestion of mishap or misadventure. Altitude sickness is a risk at extreme heights and hikers should check with their doctors before attempting the ascent. Mount Fuji's popularity has led to concerns over environmental damage and safety [a7406127].

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