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Dah Sing Bank Launches Multi-Currency Mastercard Debit Card, Offering Rebates and Personalized Settings

2024-06-28 11:05:30.291000

Open banking in Germany is revolutionizing the way consumers and businesses interact with financial systems. Germany has embraced open banking concepts even before the European Union mandated the change. The Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) implemented in 2018 mandated banks to share customer data with licensed third-party providers. Data privacy is a significant concern in Germany, and ensuring compliance with regulations like GDPR is a top priority. Convincing the cautious German populace about the benefits of open banking has been a challenge. Open banking offers tailored solutions to individual consumer needs and encourages collaboration between traditional banks and fintechs. The regulatory framework will evolve to strike a balance between innovation and consumer protection. Security measures in open banking systems will advance with technology, using tools like AI, biometrics, and blockchain. Germany recognizes the transformative potential of open banking and is leveraging technology to bridge gaps and address concerns. Open banking promises a future of transparent, inclusive, personalized, and innovative banking. Challenges persist, but with the combined efforts of banks, fintechs, regulators, and consumers, open banking is poised to usher in a new era of financial excellence in Germany. [b5ac8fbd]

Singapore has surpassed Hong Kong in the adoption of digital banking, with a larger proportion of customers identified as 'heavy digital users'. The research shows that youth, especially in Singapore, are leading the digital banking revolution. Several factors contribute to Hong Kong's slower adoption, including a regulatory environment that favors traditional banking and a historical inclination towards traditional banking. Despite Hong Kong's higher adoption of real-time payments, usage of digital banking is lower compared to Singapore. Both cities are projected to see significant growth in real-time payments between 2022 and 2027. Asia as a whole has seen a surge in digital banking adoption, driven by favorable demographics, a thriving technology sector, and a large unbanked population. Governments in the region have introduced digital banking regulations and licensing frameworks to promote financial access, economic growth, innovation, and competition in the banking sector. Singapore has granted licenses to four digital banks, including GXS Bank, a joint venture between Singtel and Grab, which has seen significant traction in cross-border transactions and serves small and medium-sized enterprises. These digital banks have witnessed a substantial increase in gross loans and virtual banking accounts since their inception.

Digital payments have the potential to promote financial inclusion and drive economic growth. Central banks have embraced the digital revolution in finance and have introduced innovative payment systems, such as Brazil's Pix, which has seen remarkable growth and contributed to greater financial inclusion. The adoption of digital payments is increasing globally, with emerging market and developing economies experiencing rapid growth. Research shows that increased use of digital payments is associated with higher growth rates of productivity and GDP per capita. Widespread use of digital payments can help formalize the informal sector, improve access to credit, and increase investment. Fintech lenders have also played a role in filling credit gaps for small businesses in areas with high unemployment. Overall, digital payments have the potential to empower communities, improve access to financial services, and boost economic development. [1c190c69]

Card giant Mastercard and digital bank bunq have announced a partnership to bring open banking and AI to users. The collaboration aims to provide the next generation of financial insights to users. The announcement was made at Money2020 in Amsterdam, but no further details were provided. This partnership between Mastercard and bunq highlights the growing trend of collaboration between traditional financial institutions and fintech companies to leverage technology and provide innovative solutions to consumers. Open banking, coupled with AI, has the potential to revolutionize the financial industry by offering personalized and tailored financial services to individuals and businesses. The partnership between Mastercard and bunq signifies a step forward in this direction, as they work together to enhance the user experience and deliver advanced financial insights. [f2d5e44c]

Mastercard aims to phase out manual card entry for eCommerce in Europe by 2030 and replace it with a one-click button across any online platform. The company is working with banks, FinTechs, merchants, and other partners to make this shift. The solution includes tokenization to reduce fraud, Mastercard's online checkout system, and payment passkeys for online transactions. Mastercard expects other markets to follow after implementing the solution in Europe. The company's latest earnings data showed that eCommerce transactions grew over 50% YoY and represented 25% of the transactions across the Mastercard network. [d9721b02]

Dah Sing Bank, Limited will launch its first multi-currency debit card, the Dah Sing Multi-Currency Mastercard Debit Card, on July 1, 2024. The card is designed for Dah Sing VIP Banking and YOU Banking customers and offers a choice of up to 11 currencies. Customers can earn rebates on domestic and international purchases, set target exchange rates, and manage personalized settings through the Debit Card Hub within the bank's mobile banking app. VIP Banking or YOU Banking customers who apply for the card between July 1, 2024, and September 30, 2024, can enjoy up to a 1.3% cash rebate on eligible transactions. Terms and conditions apply. [73cc9e89]

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