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Barack Obama Discusses Inclusive Economic Opportunities and Global Cooperation at the 2023 Democracy Forum

2023-11-22 17:02:45.554000

Former President Barack Obama delivered a speech at the 2023 Democracy Forum, where he emphasized the need for stronger labor laws, accountability in the use of newer technologies, fair and transparent policies for economic growth, and building an economic structure rooted in inclusive capitalism. He highlighted the importance of government accountability in supporting fiscal and monetary policies that encourage full employment. Obama also emphasized the power of corporations to consider the impact on workers, communities, the planet, and democracy, which can ultimately improve their bottom line. He called for public debate and ensuring that the benefits of new technologies are accessible to everyone, including poor communities and other countries. The former president also addressed the need for global cooperation in creating a trade regime that benefits all countries, even if reciprocity is not complete. He mentioned initiatives such as a global minimum tax agreement as examples of strategic cooperation. The forum focused on the importance of inclusive economic opportunities, global cooperation, and addressing the complexities of a multi-cultural economy. [28883430]

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