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Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers Joins U.S. Climate Alliance's Executive Committee

2024-05-13 15:57:25.779000

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers has announced that he is joining the executive committee of the U.S. Climate Alliance, becoming the first governor from the Midwest to do so. The U.S. Climate Alliance is a bipartisan coalition of 24 governors committed to achieving the goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement. Governor Evers, a long-time member of the alliance, will work alongside Washington Governor Jay Inslee and California Governor Gavin Newsom on the committee. The addition of Governor Evers to the committee strengthens the alliance's efforts to address climate change and promote a clean-energy economy.

Governor Evers' administration has previously taken steps to promote clean and renewable energy, set carbon reduction goals, and establish a Green Innovation Fund. The governor has also committed to planting 100 million trees in Wisconsin by 2030 as part of the Trillion Trees Pledge [90d593ee] [c0523adb].

New York Governor Kathy Hochul and New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham have been appointed as co-chairs of the alliance, marking the first time the alliance will be led by two women co-chairs. Governor Evers' appointment to the executive committee, along with the leadership of Governor Hochul and Governor Lujan Grisham, highlights the commitment of the alliance to promoting gender equity and inclusivity in climate action [90d593ee].

In related news, the Mayor of the City of Greater Geelong, Trent Sullivan, welcomed Governor Tim Walz of the State of Minnesota on November 15. Governor Walz is leading the state's first-ever trade mission to Australia to establish new relationships with businesses in clean technology and sustainability, among other sectors. The trade mission includes delegates from organizations such as Delta Airlines and Clean Energy Economy Minnesota. The visit aims to showcase the City of Greater Geelong's clean economy efforts and explore opportunities for collaboration [6cd5b2d2].

The visit of Governor Walz and the trade mission from Minnesota to Greater Geelong highlights the growing interest in clean economy opportunities and the importance of international collaboration in addressing sustainability challenges [6cd5b2d2].

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