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US Recalls Potent Midrange Missiles from the Philippines Amid South China Sea Tensions

2024-07-03 01:55:42.646000

China has expressed 'serious concerns' over the temporary deployment of a mid-range missile system by the US in the Philippines. The Typhon Weapon System, which can support Tomahawk cruise missiles and SM-6 anti-aircraft missiles, was stationed in the country during a training exercise. China perceives this deployment as a significant threat to regional security and stability and opposes the use of regional countries as tools of hegemony. The Philippines, which has had conflicts with China in the South China Sea, recently concluded a three-week joint training exercise with the US involving 16,000 troops. China is facing an increasing challenge from the US and its allies in the region, including the Philippines. The Typhon missile system, a core component of the US Army's Multi-Domain Task Forces, has been deployed in the Indo-Pacific for the first time. China and ASEAN have agreed to enhance cooperation on various issues, such as mine clearance and combating telecommunications fraud.

However, a recent report states that the US will be recalling the mid-range missile system from the Philippines. The missile system, which was deployed to a northern Philippine province in April for a joint military exercise that ended in June, will be returned to the US in September. The reason for the recall has not been provided. China has repeatedly criticized the missile deployment, stating that it severely threatens security in the Asia region and undermines regional peace and stability. The US and the Philippines had a treaty banning land-based ballistic and cruise missiles with certain ranges, but it expired in 2019. Since then, both nations have expanded their production and use of arms. The Philippines has expressed its willingness to host more weaponry from the US for training exercises [128b91c8].

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