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Sen. John Thune Discusses Biden's Attempt to Distance Himself from His Record

2024-05-15 16:55:09.993000

U.S. Senator John Thune is advocating for free trade agreements as the U.S. agricultural trade deficit is projected to reach a record $30.5 billion in 2024 [eae515f3]. Thune criticizes the Biden Administration for not committing to a new free trade agreement since taking office. He also highlights the trade deficits with Canada and Mexico despite the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement. Thune emphasizes the importance of international trade for South Dakota, where about 20% of jobs depend on trade. He is pushing for free trade negotiations with the United Kingdom and hopes to return to the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Thune believes that being engaged in the world and having access to global markets is crucial for the U.S. agricultural industry.

In addition to advocating for free trade agreements, Thune emphasizes the need for American leadership on the global stage, specifically in confronting malign actors like Iran, Russia, and China [1f5c4c45]. Thune highlights Russia's aggression in Ukraine, China's expansionist ambitions, and Iran's support for these countries. He stresses the importance of maintaining a strong economy and developing energy resources to reduce dependence on hostile nations. Thune also discusses the implications of withdrawing American support for Ukraine, including the potential for conflict and economic fallout. He advocates for supporting Ukraine, Taiwan, Israel, and other free countries as it aligns with U.S. national interests. Thune mentions the arrival of military equipment in Ukraine and the need to address border security and illegal migration at the southern border. He references a plan proposed by Senators Graham, Lankford, and Cotton to secure the border and address the historic levels of illegal migration.

U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa expresses gratitude for the blessings of America's agricultural abundance and natural resources. He emphasizes the importance of exercising the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and highlights the recent elections for local school boards and city councils. Grassley also acknowledges Veterans Day and encourages honoring the men and women who have served in the military. He reflects on the origins of Thanksgiving Day and President Abraham Lincoln's proclamation to come together as Americans. Grassley urges giving thanks for the troops and farmers, and standing in solidarity for freedom and democracy. He also mentions the rising cost of Thanksgiving groceries and calls for responsible federal budgeting [1f5c4c45].

Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., discusses Biden's take on inflation, what a 2024 Trump victory could mean for the U.S. economy, and the administration moving forward with $1 billion Israel arms shipment [5b69867f].

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