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Roadwork Damage to Homes in DeKalb and Little Rock Sparks Legal Action

2024-05-15 22:36:08.773000

The city of DeKalb in Illinois is nearing completion of its years-long plan to widen Peace Road near Fairview Drive and the interstate. The project, which began in 2019, aims to widen Peace Road from the I-88 interchange north to Macom Drive. Major pavement reconstruction started in the spring of 2023. However, the city has proposed amending its contract with the engineering firm to account for approximately $247,398 in additional costs. These costs are expected to be covered primarily through state funds. A vote is scheduled for Monday to approve the plan to cover the remaining costs. The need for the additional spending plan is attributed to utility delays and project redesigns. In addition to the Peace Road widening project, the city is also considering an intergovernmental agreement with Northern Illinois University to build a roundabout at Lucinda Avenue and Normal Road, making the area more pedestrian-friendly. The NIU work is anticipated to take place in the spring of 2023. [7cbfd85a]

Meanwhile, in Little Rock, Arkansas, residents of Timberland Drive are seeking justice after claiming that a pavement project caused thousands of dollars in damage to their homes. Homeowner Carolyn Cooper woke up to vibrations and loud banging, only to find machines used for repaving highways going down her street. Many neighbors reported cracks and damage to their homes as well. The construction company, Redstone Construction, received a complaint but denied responsibility, stating that the damage was due to seasonal variations in humidity and temperature, not their equipment. Cooper plans to pursue legal action against the damage caused to her and her neighbors' houses. [606a17b3]

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