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The Phenomenon of Stock Market Window Dressing: Black Friday in Reverse

2023-11-24 11:31:04.646000

The practice of 'window dressing' in the stock market, where portfolio managers buy popular stocks at the end of the year to improve the appearance of their portfolios, has now started happening earlier in the year. This benefits well-performing companies and causes poorly performing ones to suffer. Specific stocks like NVDA, TSLA, AMZN, AAPL, and GOOGL have seen significant gains this year and may attract window dressers. However, caution is advised in buying stocks that have already appreciated substantially, as there may not be much near-term upside potential left. This year's window dressing may involve the same group of stocks that dominated the market a few years ago, including FAANG stocks, NVIDIA, Microsoft, and Tesla. [bc5f90b6]

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