v0.06 🌳  

Strengthening Economic Bonds Between San Antonio and Mexico

2024-06-11 11:55:37.263000

In a positive development for the economic relationship between San Antonio and Mexico, the Asociación de Empresarios Mexicanos (AEM) is working to strengthen economic connections between the two regions. Founded in San Antonio in 1996, AEM is focused on boosting trade and collaboration between the United States and Mexico. Mexico has surpassed China as the largest trading partner of the United States, highlighting the significance of this economic bond. Victor Reyna, the president of the San Antonio chapter of AEM, is leading the organization's efforts to deepen the economic and cultural ties between San Antonio and Mexico. AEM recently visited the business ecosystem in Monterrey and plans to take a business delegation to Guadalajara, further enhancing the economic activity between the two regions. The economic relationship between San Antonio and Mexico is expected to grow even stronger in the coming years.


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