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The FIA Foundation's Efforts to Promote Sustainable and Inclusive Mobility

2024-03-07 10:20:28.289000

Sheila Watson, deputy director of the FIA Foundation, a London nonprofit, leads its global environmental, gender, and research initiatives. The foundation's goal is safe, clean, fair, and green mobility, focusing on personal mobility and all dimensions of sustainability. They support partner organizations globally, addressing areas such as nonmotorized modes, road safety, accessibility, and fairness. Mobility and transport account for a quarter of emissions, and motorization is projected to triple by 2050. The foundation aims to give people options to get around and prosper while addressing negative impacts. Notable challenges include the lack of data, which they address through initiatives like The Real Urban Emissions Initiative and the Global Fuel Economy Initiative to encourage good data collection and develop effective policies.

The FIA Foundation, led by Sheila Watson, is a London-based nonprofit organization that focuses on promoting safe, clean, fair, and green mobility. They work on various initiatives related to environmental sustainability, gender equality, and research. The foundation supports partner organizations worldwide and addresses key areas such as nonmotorized modes, road safety, accessibility, and fairness. They aim to provide people with sustainable transportation options while mitigating the negative impacts of motorization, which is projected to triple by 2050. One of the challenges they face is the lack of data, which they tackle through initiatives like The Real Urban Emissions Initiative and the Global Fuel Economy Initiative. These initiatives encourage data collection and the development of effective policies to address emissions and promote sustainable mobility.

The FIA Foundation, led by Sheila Watson, is a London-based nonprofit organization that focuses on promoting safe, clean, fair, and green mobility. They work on various initiatives related to environmental sustainability, gender equality, and research. The foundation supports partner organizations worldwide and addresses key areas such as nonmotorized modes, road safety, accessibility, and fairness. They aim to provide people with sustainable transportation options while mitigating the negative impacts of motorization, which is projected to triple by 2050. One of the challenges they face is the lack of data, which they tackle through initiatives like The Real Urban Emissions Initiative and the Global Fuel Economy Initiative. These initiatives encourage data collection and the development of effective policies to address emissions and promote sustainable mobility.

The FIA Foundation, led by Sheila Watson, is a London-based nonprofit organization that focuses on promoting safe, clean, fair, and green mobility. They work on various initiatives related to environmental sustainability, gender equality, and research. The foundation supports partner organizations worldwide and addresses key areas such as nonmotorized modes, road safety, accessibility, and fairness. They aim to provide people with sustainable transportation options while mitigating the negative impacts of motorization, which is projected to triple by 2050. One of the challenges they face is the lack of data, which they tackle through initiatives like The Real Urban Emissions Initiative and the Global Fuel Economy Initiative. These initiatives encourage data collection and the development of effective policies to address emissions and promote sustainable mobility. [9ce1ab5b]

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