Once upon a time, in the 19th Century in Wisconsin, a comedy film called 'Hundreds of Beavers' took audiences by storm. The film follows the story of Jean Kayak, an applejack salesman who becomes stranded in the Wisconsin winter. In order to survive and secure supplies, Jean attempts to hunt beavers, but his traps are discovered by beaver detectives. The film's narrative structure has been compared to a Looney Tunes cartoon, with a variety of traps and consistent laughs. One of the film's most iconic and hilarious scenes takes place in a beaver court, adding to its unique charm and humor. 'Hundreds of Beavers' pays homage to classic films by Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin, as well as classic video games like Super Mario Bros. Despite being a low-budget indie film, it captivates audiences with its homemade quality and infectious sense of fun. Ryland Brickson Cole Tews delivers a standout performance as Jean Kayak, effectively portraying the character's motivations and making him a loveable protagonist. 'Hundreds of Beavers' is a must-see for those who appreciate unusual, deeply unserious comedies that celebrate the joy of filmmaking in a creative and infectious way [769f63bc].