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Ohio Senate Candidate Moreno Advocates for Pro-Family Economics and Tax Policies to Address Declining Birthrate

2024-04-18 09:24:15.122000

As the results of Tuesday's primaries rolled in, a number of key races took shape in Ohio, Illinois, and California for November's general election. In Ohio, Trump-backed businessman Bernie Moreno won the Republican nomination for Senate and will face Democratic incumbent Sen. Sherrod Brown. Moreno, who portrays himself as a political outsider and successful businessman, emphasizes the need for conservative action and changing Washington, D.C. He has positioned himself as a staunch conservative, supporting federal abortion restrictions, tough treatment of immigrants lacking permanent legal status, and limiting the teaching of certain sexuality- and race-related topics in schools. Moreno has highlighted his endorsement from former President Donald Trump and his goals of fighting inflation, cutting government spending, and unleashing American energy [74da79d9].

Republican candidate Bernie Moreno plans to advocate for pro-family economic policies if elected to the Ohio Senate seat. He highlights the declining birthrate in the United States and emphasizes the need for tax policies that encourage people to have more children. Moreno supports a bigger child tax credit as long as it doesn't become a welfare program. He wants to make the Trump tax cuts permanent and supports fair trade policies. Moreno believes that Republicans care more about conserving the environment than Democrats and criticizes the corporate environmental, social, and governance movement. He aligns ideologically with several Republican senators. The Ohio Senate race is crucial for Republicans hoping to retake the Senate in November [969ed115] [74da79d9].

Republicans in Ohio also battled for a vacant seat in the 6th district, with state Sen. Michael Rulli winning the primary [0f4fea95].

In California, a special election was held in the conservative 20th District to fill the remainder of former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's term. Republican state Assembly member Vince Fong and Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux were among the candidates. Fong was leading with more than 40% of the vote [0f4fea95].

In Illinois, Republican Rep. Mike Bost and Democratic Rep. Danny Davis both survived their primary challenges and will advance to November's general election. Davis won the Democratic nomination in Chicago's 7th District, while Bost was leading in the Republican primary [0f4fea95].

These races are significant for shaping the composition of Congress in the upcoming general election [0f4fea95].

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