v0.05 🌳  

The Case for an Atlantic Union: Promoting Transatlantic Industrial Policy and Collaboration

2023-12-02 08:36:02.564000

As China's global ambitions and reach continue to grow, debates about strategic competition between the United States and the European Union (EU) are intensifying [bf3b6f2a]. Both sides have expressed concerns about China's economic policies, military spending, unfair business practices, and human rights abuses [bf3b6f2a]. There are six main trends that will shape the potential for transatlantic policy convergence on China in the future [bf3b6f2a].

Firstly, China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has raised alarm bells in both the US and the EU [bf3b6f2a]. The BRI's expansionist agenda and potential debt traps have led to skepticism and caution in Europe [bf3b6f2a].

Secondly, there is growing skepticism in Europe about China's behaviors, particularly in relation to trade and investment practices [bf3b6f2a]. The EU has become more assertive in addressing issues such as market access, intellectual property theft, and forced technology transfers [bf3b6f2a].

Thirdly, China's rapid technological advancements, particularly in areas such as artificial intelligence and 5G, have raised concerns about national security and economic competitiveness [bf3b6f2a]. The US and the EU share common ground on these concerns, but there are differences in the digital and technological domain that need to be addressed [bf3b6f2a].

Fourthly, the EU's economic dependency on China has become a pressing issue [bf3b6f2a]. The EU recognizes the need to reduce this dependency and diversify its economic relationships [bf3b6f2a].

Fifthly, Russia's invasion of Ukraine has had implications for the transatlantic relationship with China [bf3b6f2a]. The US and the EU have been coordinating their responses to both Russia and China, recognizing the interplay between these two challenges [bf3b6f2a].

Lastly, negative perceptions of China among the public in both the US and the EU have influenced the policy discourse [bf3b6f2a]. Human rights abuses, censorship, and authoritarianism have eroded trust and created a more critical stance towards China [bf3b6f2a].

While the US and the EU have common concerns about China, achieving a joint approach will require mitigating differences and bringing the two sides closer together [bf3b6f2a]. The outcome of this convergence will have long-term consequences for the future prosperity of both the US and the EU [bf3b6f2a].

In addition to the debates on transatlantic policy convergence on China, there is a new proposal for an Atlantic Union that aims to promote transatlantic industrial policy and collaboration [3f3a233c]. The article argues for the establishment of a common transatlantic industrial policy to promote strategic sectors and enhance security and competitiveness in a multipolar world [3f3a233c]. The proposed Atlantic industrial community would have limited membership and focus on sectors of military and commercial importance [3f3a233c]. The article suggests the need for a customs union with common external tariffs and the coordination of currencies to prevent disruptions in transatlantic supply chains [3f3a233c]. It also proposes the creation of transatlantic institutions to oversee investment, export controls, and strategic commodity reserves [3f3a233c].

The article highlights the importance of demand-side policies, increasing market size, and the role of large-scale firms in strategic industries [3f3a233c]. It argues against the elimination of fossil fuels and nuclear energy in the near term and advocates for reshoring essential supply chains [3f3a233c]. The proposed Atlantic industrial community would include countries like Canada, Britain, and Australia, while excluding Mexico for now [3f3a233c]. The potential benefits for the US, Germany, France, and other European countries, as well as post-Brexit Britain, are also discussed [3f3a233c]. The article concludes by emphasizing the need for pragmatic collaboration to promote industrial power and innovation in a deglobalizing world [3f3a233c].

This proposal for an Atlantic Union adds a new dimension to the transatlantic relationship, focusing on economic integration and strategic collaboration [3f3a233c]. It aligns with the concerns and debates about China's rise and the need for transatlantic policy convergence [bf3b6f2a][3f3a233c]. The establishment of an Atlantic industrial community could potentially strengthen the US-EU partnership and enhance their collective influence in the global arena [3f3a233c]. However, it will require careful consideration of the interests and priorities of all member countries, as well as addressing potential challenges and differences in approach [3f3a233c].

As the discussions on transatlantic policy convergence and the proposal for an Atlantic Union continue, it is clear that the future of the US-EU relationship and their approach towards China will have significant implications for global geopolitics, economic dynamics, and the balance of power [bf3b6f2a][3f3a233c]. It remains to be seen how these debates and initiatives will unfold and shape the strategic landscape in the coming years [bf3b6f2a][3f3a233c].

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