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Baldur’s Gate 3 players find historical and spiritual references on character's armor

2024-01-13 10:21:02.539000

A player of the game Baldur’s Gate 3 noticed engravings on the armor of the character Ketheric Thorm, which they initially thought was a meme reference. However, another player pointed out that it is actually an art history reference to the Danse Macabre, a medieval art genre that focuses on the universality of death. The armor is called 'Reaper’s Embrace,' further emphasizing the association with death. This attention to detail showcases the care put into the game by its developers, Larian Studios. Additionally, an article from Fredericksburg.com discusses the concept of spiritual armor and its role in protecting individuals in life's battles. The article references an audio drama called 'Sir Knight of the Splendid Way' and highlights the journey of Sir Constant, who is sent on a journey to the City Splendid by his mentor. Sir Constant spends the night in the Valley of Decision, where he faces voices questioning his choice to become a knight. However, he sees a bright star in the sky, which turns out to be the face of the son of the Great King, providing him with strength and guiding him back to the right path. Sir Constant is then bestowed with armor, sword, and shield, symbolizing his readiness to face enemies and trials. The article emphasizes that although individuals may not have physical armor, the spiritual armor given to them is equally effective in protecting them as followers of God. It encourages individuals to put on the full armor of God, as mentioned by the Apostle Paul, which includes the belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, gospel of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit. By keeping their focus on Jesus and remembering the love, joy, and peace they felt when they first encountered Him, individuals can overcome trials and be welcomed into the City Splendid, the City of the Great King. [bb9b310f] [96c47ad6]

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