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The Impact of Robust Volunteer Programs on Employee Turnover and Workplace Satisfaction: Insights from Volunteers

2024-06-03 06:01:08.003000

A new article from Fortune highlights the positive impact of robust volunteer programs on employee turnover and workplace satisfaction. Companies with strong volunteer programs have lower turnover rates and help employees feel better about working there, even if they don't participate in the programs themselves. The article cites a survey that found more than 60% of respondents reported increased participation in employee volunteer activities last year. This increase in participation indicates the growing importance of volunteer programs in creating a positive work environment.

Workplace volunteering not only benefits the employees who participate but also helps instill a sense of social purpose among frontline employees. The article emphasizes the need for flexibility in successful volunteer programs. Meaningful and time-intensive programs have a greater resonance with volunteers, and integrating giving into volunteer programs can engage busier, seasoned employees. Volunteering can also serve as a gateway to building relationships and new pools of donors for nonprofits, making it a mutually beneficial endeavor.

The article highlights the case of Blue Cross Blue Shield, where employees have stayed engaged with a nonprofit's work and made donations. This example demonstrates how volunteer programs can foster a connection between employees and nonprofits, leading to ongoing support and contributions.

The Express & Star also published an article about the importance of volunteering. Volunteers from the Haven and the Good Shepherd in Wolverhampton spoke about their roles and the impact of volunteering on their lives. Amy Davenport, a helpline duty worker at the Haven, joined as a volunteer in November 2022 and now has a paid position. Patrick Williams, a volunteer at the Good Shepherd, has found inspiration and a sense of purpose after a traumatic brain injury. Chloe Bladen, a refuge team manager at the Haven, started as a volunteer in 2015 and has since progressed in her career. Cate Darmody has been volunteering at the Good Shepherd for 11 years and recently started volunteering at the Central Community Shop. Ruth Thompson, a volunteer student counselor at the Haven, values the experience and knowledge gained through volunteering. These personal stories highlight the enriching experiences and opportunities that volunteering can provide.

Overall, these articles underscore the importance of robust volunteer programs in reducing employee turnover and enhancing workplace satisfaction. They suggest that companies should consider implementing and promoting volunteer programs as part of their employee engagement strategies.

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