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Cynthia Nixon, Abraham Aiyash, and Airman Larry Hebert Join Hunger Strike for Peace in Israel-Palestine Conflict

2024-04-05 06:14:29.884000

In a powerful display of solidarity, several prominent figures have embarked on hunger strikes to call for a cease-fire in the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict. Cynthia Nixon, known for her role in 'Sex and the City,' Michigan State Representative Abraham Aiyash, and active-duty Airman Larry Hebert are refusing to eat in an effort to draw attention to the urgent need for peace.

Nixon's hunger strike, which began outside the White House, is expected to last two or three days. She is demanding that President Joe Biden take action to end the conflict and halt the supply of weapons that harm civilians and children. Nixon firmly believes that the United States has the power to make a cease-fire happen and is calling on Biden to use his influence to bring about peace [7e17472f].

Michigan State Representative Abraham Aiyash has also started a hunger strike outside the White House to demand a cease-fire in the ongoing conflict. Aiyash, along with lawmakers from other states, gathered outside the White House and painted drops of blood on a canvas to represent the number of children killed. He believes that bombing is not the solution and wants to see the release of hostages, the return of unlawfully detained prisoners, and an end to the bombing. Aiyash, who participates in Ramadan each year, is no stranger to fasting [4500a637].

Additionally, an active-duty Air Force airman named Larry Hebert is on a hunger strike in front of the White House in solidarity with the children of Gaza who are being deliberately starved to death. Hebert, a Senior Airman with six years in the Air Force, began his hunger strike on Easter Sunday and plans to continue until there is a ceasefire and an end to unconditional aid to Israel. Hebert's protest is gaining national and international attention, and he has been interviewed by several media outlets. Hebert's action is inspired by the self-immolation of active-duty Airman Aaron Bushnell, who took his own life at the Israeli Embassy for the people of Gaza. Hebert is demanding an end to US weapons shipments to Israel, which violate several US laws. He is supported by the organization Veterans For Peace, which encourages military personnel to act in good conscience and refuse to participate in genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. Hebert's protest is gaining support, and it is hoped that other military personnel and veterans will follow his example [5fa8a832] [2174ffcb].

The hunger strikes by Nixon, Aiyash, and Hebert have received support from various groups and individuals calling for peace in the region. Their actions serve as a powerful reminder of the urgency and importance of finding a lasting solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. By sacrificing their own well-being, they hope to draw attention to the devastating impact of the violence and inspire others to join the cause.

As the world watches, the hope is that the hunger strikes by Nixon, Aiyash, and Hebert, along with the growing international pressure, will push leaders to prioritize diplomacy and dialogue in resolving the Israel-Palestine conflict. The voices of these prominent figures, combined with the collective call for peace, may contribute to a renewed focus on finding a sustainable and just solution to the long-standing conflict.

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