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Tragic Deaths of Young Professionals Highlight Pressure in Chinese Work Culture

2024-09-16 02:55:06.814000

The recent deaths of two young professionals in China have sparked widespread concern over the intense pressure faced by workers in both the labor and academic sectors. A’bao, a 30-year-old painter, died from organ failure after working 104 consecutive days with only one day off, raising serious concerns about labor rights and working conditions. His death on June 1, 2023, was linked to a pneumococcal infection resulting from a weakened immune system due to overwork. A court ruled that the company was 20% responsible for his death, awarding his family 400,000 yuan (approximately US$56,000) in compensation. This incident has ignited public outrage and calls for stricter enforcement of labor regulations in China, where laws limit work hours to 8 hours per day and 44 hours per week. [94d9d9f8]

In a related development, the death of Li Haizeng, a 34-year-old material scientist who suffered a heart attack on August 29, 2024, has raised alarms among Chinese researchers regarding the intense pressure in academia. Li, who published over 30 papers and held multiple patents, became a full professor at Shandong University at just 31 years old, a rapid progression that typically takes over a decade. His death is part of a troubling trend, with at least eight other researchers under 60 having died recently, highlighting the mental and physical toll of academic pressures. [fa782b56]

Experts like Xie Jing from Zhejiang University have pointed to competitive promotion systems as a significant source of stress for researchers. A 2022 survey indicated that over 60% of researchers reported high stress levels, prompting calls for increased financial support and reduced administrative duties for young faculty members. Both A’bao's and Li's stories serve as stark reminders of the human cost of overwork and the urgent need for reforms to protect workers' health and well-being across various sectors in China. [fa782b56][94d9d9f8]

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